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SaveHome & Family 9 Reasons to Enroll Your Children for Swimming Lessons This Winter

9 Reasons to Enroll Your Children for Swimming Lessons This Winter

Find the best swimming lessons for kids to meet developmental, safety, and physical goals. We look into the advantages of swimming lessons all year round.

9 Reasons to Enroll Your Children for Swimming Lessons This Winter

Swimming lessons for kids offer many benefits beyond physical fitness and survival needs. It's a skill that they can use for life. While your kids may enjoy frolicking on the pool step in the summer, extending swimming lessons into the winter can have mental and social benefits. 

What are the advantages of swimming?

1. Water safety

Swimming is a survival skill. Once your child is confident in the water and knows how to float, hold their breath, and swim to the edge, they're protected. Of course, kids still need supervision at the pool.

2. Supports health

Swimming is a great low-impact exercise. It has the following benefits for adults and children:

  • Less risk of pulmonary disease
  • Increased lung capacity
  • Boosts energy levels
  • Improves the circulatory system that carries blood to the brain.

3. Lowers risk of obesity

Swimming aids digestion and can help your kiddo poop regularly (goodbye cramping tummies). Plus, exercise can deter childhood obesity as it's great for burning calories.

4. Develops motor skills, balance, and flexibility

Swimming strengthens muscle tone and improves flexibility. Both these benefits equal improved balance for little ones. 

5. Foundation for life-long fitness

Studies have shown that active kids generally grow up to be healthier and more active adults. Swimming is a fun sport that can introduce young children, and even toddlers, to a world of exercise. What a great habit to instill in your children!

6. Inclusive for kids with special needs

Swimming is a wonderfully inclusive sport, and any child with injuries, impairments, or disabilities can find it easier to move and exercise in the water. 

7. Builds confidence and character

Swimming is a sport with many achievable goals, from blowing bubbles to perfecting a stroke. Your child will build perseverance, stamina, and grit! And their look of pride is priceless. 

8. Eases stress

Mental health issues affect many children today. Ease your kiddo's stress and anxiety by signing them up for swimming lessons. Water is calming. Exercise also releases endorphins (the feel-good hormones) and reduces the stress hormone (cortisol). Whether they're splashing about or finally getting their breaststroke right, swimming can help them feel happy. 

9. Improved classroom ability

Swimming requires concentration. Flexing this skill will help in all areas of life - including in the classroom. Learning through guided play can give kids the skills they need to achieve milestones sooner than their peers. While learning strokes and listening to instructions, their brains become stronger. This leads to improved memory too.

Ready to sign up for the best swimming lessons for kids?

You may be ready to sign on the dotted line and get your child into their swimsuit, but what age is best to start swimming lessons? 

The American Academy of Pediatrics' stance is that readiness for swim lessons is usually between the ages of 2-4 when children can develop the motor skills for swimming. Parents and swim teachers can determine readiness based on the child's physical, social, behavioral, emotional, and cognitive skills. 

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